Northcenter Town Square transforms an existing plaza and dead-end cul-de-sac into a vibrant community hub

Chicago, IL
Northcenter Chamber of Commerce, Special Service Area (SSA) #38, Alderman 47th Ward, and Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT)
Northcenter Town Square transforms an existing plaza, adjacent road and cul-de-sac into a neighborhood hub that includes a new play area, a large raised lawn, and a covered performance stage.
In the summer of 2017 PORT was commissioned by the steering committee, funded by the Northcenter Chamber of Commerce and Special Service Area, to develop a concept design that transforms the Neighborhood Town Square from a state of disrepair into a year-around hub for the neighborhood. The steering committee was composed of neighbors, business owners, members of the Alderman’s Office, the Northcenter Neighborhood Association, and the Chamber of Commerce.
The existing urban plaza at Northcenter Town Square was little more than a grid of dying trees and worn-down paving adjacent to an underutilized road terminating in a cul-de-sac. Outside of occasional programmed activities—street festivals, farmer’s markets, neighborhood concerts—the space generally sat empty. Northcenter Town Square opened in the summer of 2020 and has become a destination for the neighborhood to gather, relax, eat, and play.
Landscape Architecture
Urban Design
Public Engagement
Civil Engineer: Civiltech
2024 ILASLA Professional Awards Entry (Category 3: General Design - Constructed, Over $1M)
Community feedback revealed overwhelming support for the closure of the cul-de-sac to expand the Town Square, adding 28,000 square feet of public open space in recognition of the Town Square as the “heart” of the Northcenter neighborhood. The design enlivened the existing plaza with new seating, additional planting, a play mound, a decorative fence, a patterned paving system, a raised artificial lawn and a stage with a removable canopy. The design preserved all existing healthy trees and replaced unhealthy trees.
Northcenter Town Square is centrally located in the Northcenter neighborhood. The square has long served as both a formal and informal gathering and event space for the community. The new plaza space also supports large community events, ranging in scale from weekly farmer’s markets to Northcenter’s annual Ribfest.